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I was going to post several short movie reviews tonight. They’re partially written, but are dull and insipid because I’m tired and lethargic. Ever since my flu bout last week, I’ve been struggling to catch up with sleep. Every time I think I’m close WHAM something knocks me back into Weary World. Last night I had trouble falling asleep and then Reggie woke me up three times to go out. This is definitely a one night record. The first two times we went out he played instead of doing his business, so I refused to take him out the third time. You can imagine how awful I felt when he obviously wasn’t feeling well this morning and then he was sick out in the backyard about 11:30 this morning!

How do I explain to a dog that waking me up in the middle of the night to play is bad, but waking me up at any hour because he’s sick is good? Sigh.

Back to movies. I hope I’ll get the energy to finish those reviews, but in the mean time…tonight the Golden Globe winners were announced. To my count Pride and Prejudice got zilch; no big surprise here. While it was a good movie (bad adaptation) the only shot it had to win tonight was Keira Knightley as Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical. I didn’t see all the performances in this category, but in my opinion Reese Witherspoon‘s nuanced performance in Walk the Line beat Knightley’s Elizabeth. The Hollywood Foreign Press agreed with me because Witherspoon won. In fact, Walk the Line won at least three awards–it’s a surprisingly excellent movie if you haven’t seen it.

Now, if Reggie and I can both sleep through the night and well into the morning 😉 maybe we’ll both feel better tomorrow.