The Chicago Tribune listed their choices for the "Top 50 Web Sites" in today’s "Tempo" section. We’re proud to announce that Missyisms, this very blog you are currently reading, was right up there with all the other great websites that just missed the list! We’re like the want-to-be professional athletes invited to training camp for a tryout and told, "Kid, you would have been our next selection if the draft had only gone one more round." All kidding aside…since we have a relative working for the Tribune, Missyisms just simply wasn’t eligible. Them’s the breaks.

Keyschool_2I haven’t read the entire Trib list, but they did mention TelevisionWithoutPity, which is a great laugh, Flickr, whose blog I enjoy, and Google Maps, which is both helpful and lots of fun to use. For example, where else could I find a picture of my first elementary school? Shown here is Google Maps’ God’s eye view of Key Elementary School in Tulsa, OK. Even though I only attended kindergarten and first grade at Key, I remember those never-ending hallways. My kindergarten class was at the end of the long hall at the bottom of the picture. What I don’t remember about this school is the out buildings spelling "hi" and the purple roofs! (Which seems odd considering how many times I was sent to the roof for bad behavior exhibited in the out buildings. Hmm.)

But, the Trib also mentioned some clunkers. I’ve heard of Bad Sweater Guy, but this is the first time I’ve looked at the site. In less than five minutes I was finished; maybe I missed the weave.